11:53:292021-09-10 11:59:09Banobras authorizes financing for Section 1 of the Maya Train for 700 million pesos
PEMEX signed an agreement to purchase 50.005% of Shell’s stake in the refinery located in Houston, Texas.
PEMEX will own 100% of the refinery once it has the regulatory approvals in the United States and the transaction is completed in the last quarter of the year.
With this transaction, PEMEX seeks to advance the country’s energy self-sufficiency. 12:16:072021-05-25 12:18:31PEMEX signs agreement for the total purchase of the Deer Park Refinery
The rating agencies recognize the solid management of the Mexican government’s debt during the pandemic, which limited indebtedness. They also point out that sustainable public finances support the country’s macroeconomic stability.
It is estimated that by early 2022 the economy will fully regain its pre-pandemic level. The investment in infrastructure, the deepening of the financial sector, the reduction of the different gaps that restrict development and the greater commercial integration with our partners in the the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), are factors that will help with the recovery of the Mexican economy. 11:19:302021-04-16 11:19:30Economic and public finance prospects for the end of 2021 and fiscal year 2022
The resources obtained from the placement of the Sustainable Bonds will be used for projects with social and environmental impact in eight different sectors.
The transaction, which brought together more than fifty investors and accumulates a demand of 3.5 times the amount placed, maintains Banobras’ position as the main issuer of thematic bonds in the local market. 14:46:482021-03-19 15:17:56Banobras successfully placed ten billion pesos through four sustainable bonds in the local market
Banobras authorizes financing for Section 1 of the Maya Train for 700 million pesos
With the Bank financing supports this priority project of the Government of Mexico.
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PEMEX signs agreement for the total purchase of the Deer Park Refinery
PEMEX signed an agreement to purchase 50.005% of Shell’s stake in the refinery located in Houston, Texas.
PEMEX will own 100% of the refinery once it has the regulatory approvals in the United States and the transaction is completed in the last quarter of the year.
With this transaction, PEMEX seeks to advance the country’s energy self-sufficiency.
Source: PEMEX
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Rating agencies ratify Mexico’s credit rating
The rating agencies recognize the solid management of the Mexican government’s debt during the pandemic, which limited indebtedness. They also point out that sustainable public finances support the country’s macroeconomic stability.
Source: SHCP
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Economic and public finance prospects for the end of 2021 and fiscal year 2022
It is estimated that by early 2022 the economy will fully regain its pre-pandemic level. The investment in infrastructure, the deepening of the financial sector, the reduction of the different gaps that restrict development and the greater commercial integration with our partners in the the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), are factors that will help with the recovery of the Mexican economy.
Source: Ministry of Finance
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Banobras successfully placed ten billion pesos through four sustainable bonds in the local market
The resources obtained from the placement of the Sustainable Bonds will be used for projects with social and environmental impact in eight different sectors.
The transaction, which brought together more than fifty investors and accumulates a demand of 3.5 times the amount placed, maintains Banobras’ position as the main issuer of thematic bonds in the local market.
Source: Banobras
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