S&P Global Ratings assigned its long-term national scale debt ratings – CaVal – of ‘mxAAA’ to the National Bank of Public Works and Services’ (Banobras) long-term development banking stock certificates.
The ratings assigned to these issues are equal to Banobras’ long-term national scale issuer credit rating (mxAAA).
https://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Banobras-e1651079303111.jpg129385jfrancoohttps://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/LogoMPH_Alta-e1657506734182.pngjfrancoo2022-04-27 10:43:152022-05-02 17:12:32Banobras receives 'mxAAA' rating on 3 bonds from S&P Global Ratings
https://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Pemex2-e1487734393256.jpg200800jfrancoohttps://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/LogoMPH_Alta-e1657506734182.pngjfrancoo2022-01-04 20:34:552022-01-04 20:43:27FEDERAL EXECUTIVE PRESENTS 10 ACTIONS IN PROGRESS FOR THE RECOVERY OF PEMEX
https://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/N_Tren-maya.jpg203610jfrancoohttps://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/LogoMPH_Alta-e1657506734182.pngjfrancoo2021-09-10 11:53:292021-09-10 11:59:09Banobras authorizes financing for Section 1 of the Maya Train for 700 million pesos
PEMEX signed an agreement to purchase 50.005% of Shell’s stake in the refinery located in Houston, Texas.
PEMEX will own 100% of the refinery once it has the regulatory approvals in the United States and the transaction is completed in the last quarter of the year.
With this transaction, PEMEX seeks to advance the country’s energy self-sufficiency.
https://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Mike-van-Schoonderwalt-from-Pexels.jpg203610jfrancoohttps://www.proyectosmexico.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/LogoMPH_Alta-e1657506734182.pngjfrancoo2021-05-25 12:16:072021-05-25 12:18:31PEMEX signs agreement for the total purchase of the Deer Park Refinery
The rating agencies recognize the solid management of the Mexican government’s debt during the pandemic, which limited indebtedness. They also point out that sustainable public finances support the country’s macroeconomic stability.
Banobras receives ‘mxAAA’ rating on 3 bonds from S&P Global Ratings
S&P Global Ratings assigned its long-term national scale debt ratings – CaVal – of ‘mxAAA’ to the National Bank of Public Works and Services’ (Banobras) long-term development banking stock certificates.
The ratings assigned to these issues are equal to Banobras’ long-term national scale issuer credit rating (mxAAA).
Source: S&P Global Ratings
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In 2024 Mexico will reach self-sufficiency of fuels; In three years, the use of the National Refining System went from 32% to 50%
The goal for 2023-2024 is to process two million barrels of oil a day and produce 858 thousand barrels of gasoline and 542 thousand of diesel.
Source: Presidency of México
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Banobras authorizes financing for Section 1 of the Maya Train for 700 million pesos
With the Bank financing supports this priority project of the Government of Mexico.
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PEMEX signs agreement for the total purchase of the Deer Park Refinery
PEMEX signed an agreement to purchase 50.005% of Shell’s stake in the refinery located in Houston, Texas.
PEMEX will own 100% of the refinery once it has the regulatory approvals in the United States and the transaction is completed in the last quarter of the year.
With this transaction, PEMEX seeks to advance the country’s energy self-sufficiency.
Source: PEMEX
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Rating agencies ratify Mexico’s credit rating
The rating agencies recognize the solid management of the Mexican government’s debt during the pandemic, which limited indebtedness. They also point out that sustainable public finances support the country’s macroeconomic stability.
Source: SHCP
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