Mexico´s Plan

Strategy for Equitable and Sustainable Economic Development for Shared Prosperity


·        Long-Term Plan for the Country’s Regional Development
·        Promote nearshoring.
·         Increase national and regional content; import substitution.
·         Relaunch the “Made in Mexico” program.
·         Create well-paying jobs in manufacturing and service sectors.
·        Increase higher-value local supply chains..
·        Promote develpment and welfare hubs based on regional strengths.
·        Expand access to upper secondary and higher education and align it with the development plan.
·        Strengthen scientific, technological, and innovation development.
·        Promote continental integration.

2030 Goals
  1. Rank among the world’s top 10 economies by strengthening the domestic market and international participation.
  2. Increase the investment-to-GDP ratio to over 25% by 2026 and above 28% by 2030.
  3. Create 1.5 million additional jobs in specialized manufacturing and strategic sectors.
  4. Ensure that 50% of supply and national consumption in strategic sectors originate from Mexico.
  5. Increase national content in global value chains by 15% in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.
  6. Ensure that 50% of public procurement is sourced from national production, positioning it as a development tool.
  7. Develop vaccines in Mexico, fostering end-to-end pharmaceutical manufacturing and local packaging, with a focus on advanced biotechnology.
  8. Reduce the total time to complete an investment from 2.6 years to 1 year by cutting 50% of procedures and requirements through a single digital investment window.
  9. Train 150,000 professionals and technicians annually with continuous education aligned with strategic sectors, ensuring 100% dual education in technical upper secondary schools.
  10. Promote sustainable business investments with ESG practices, including water reuse, clean energy investments, solid waste management systems, and community impact actions.
  11. Ensure that 30% of SMEs have access to financing.
  12. Become one of the world’s top five most-visited countries.
  13. Reduce poverty and inequality.
Actions January–April 2025
  • January 9: First session of the Advisory Council for Economic Development, Regional Growth, and Business Relocation.
  • January 13: Presentation of Plan México. Press Release | Presentation | Official Website
  • From January 15: Monthly monitoring of private investment portfolios and 100 industrial parks.
  • January 6-15: Initiation of strategic projects involving businesses, universities, and government, including Olinia, data centers, drones, the launch of a Mexican satellite, and the production of generic and biosimilar medicines.
  • January 17:
    Publication of the Nearshoring Decree for accelerated depreciation of new fixed asset investments for global Mexican companies, applicable to all sectors, valid until 2030.
    Launch of the National Digital Investment Window.
    Presentation of the National Law Initiative for Simplification and Digitalization.
    Announcement of the Digital Transformation Agency.
  • January 20-24: Launch of working groups with importing companies to develop local and regional supply chains, aligning tariffs with North America.
  • February 3-7:
    Launch of a Development Bank fund for MSMEs, suppliers, and exporters working with anchor companies.
    Establishment of energy consumption rules and private sector participation schemes in energy generation.
  • February 17-21:
    Relaunch of the “Made in Mexico” brand.
    Introduction of mixed-investment schemes for infrastructure projects, aiming to tender at least 100 billion MXN in private investment for projects starting in 2025.
    Creation of a collaboration network for technical, curricular, and continuous education among technical secondary schools, the Ministry of Science, Humanities, Technology, and Innovation, the Ministry of Economy, the National Technological Institute, IPN, UNAM, and the private sector.
  • February 24-28:
    Publication of a decree establishing at least one development hub per industrial corridor, as seen with the CIIT.
    Creation of the IMMEX 4.0 program.
  • April 18-19:
    Signing of an agreement between the Bank of Mexico, the Mexican Banking Association, and the Federal Government to increase SME financing access by 3.5% annually.
Industrial Promotion Strategies

Relocation Decree 

Immediate Deduction (ID) for new investments in fixed assets, applying the highest percentages to investments in high-tech sectors, research, and development.
–  No distinction between foreign and Mexican companies.
–  No discrimination by industry or sector.
Additional 25% deduction on incremental expenses for workforce training in collaboration with educational and research institutions.
The decree will expire in October 2030.

Well-being Poles Decree

Legal Structures

2 Poles in Yucatán
5 additional confined zones

– Government contribution of land, including an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.

Planning Instruments
– Master Plan
– Development Programs
Legal Certainty
– Tax incentives, special customs regime, and a single digital window.


The process for VAT and Special Tax Certification will be merged with the new Export Manufacturing Program 4.0, under the Ministry of Finance.
– This consolidation reduces the startup time for new companies by 50%.

Development Banking

– Reverse factoring flow: the bank assesses the anchor company’s risk instead of the MSME’s.
– An anchor company sells between $100M and $500M USD annually, depending on the sector.
– MSME supplier registry linked to anchor companies.
– Design of supply chains focused on scale and specialization.

Public Investment


– Increase generation capacity by 22,000 MW by 2030.
– $12.3B USD for new power plants, $7.5B USD for transmission network upgrades, and $3.6B USD for distribution improvements.
– Investments in generation and transmission networks to achieve up to 45% clean energy.
– $2.07 trillion MXN investment in Pemex, with an annual average of $345.5B MXN.


– 17 infrastructure projects benefiting 31 million people.
– $20B MXN public investment in water projects for 2025.
– Restoration of water bodies, particularly in the Lerma-Santiago, Atoyac, and Tula rivers.
– National Agreement on the Human Right to Water and Sustainability: $21B+ MXN private investment.
– National Modernization Program: 200,000 hectares of irrigation benefiting 225,000 producers.
– A decree will be issued to regulate water concessions, allowing public access to subsidies, credits, and programs.


– Over 3,000 km of railway for passenger and freight transport.
Urban Mobility Infrastructure projects.

Professional and Technical Education

– Reduce upper secondary education subsystems from 31 to only 2: General and Technological Baccalaureate.
– Consolidation of upper secondary education programs:
“La Escuela es Nuestra” Program
Benito Juárez Universal Scholarship
Expansion of coverage
– Two national universities will be established: Rosario Castellanos and the Health University, serving 330,000 additional students.


– 1 million social housing units built.
– 1 million regularized homes.
– 450,000 housing improvements and expansions.
– Freezing of balances and monthly payments for 2 million INFONAVIT loans.
– 148 architectural projects developed in partnership between INFONAVIT and the National Technological Institute of Mexico.

Regulatory Framework


– Nearshoring Decree
– Well-being Poles Decree
– Development Banking Program Operating Rules


– National Law on Simplification and Digitalization
– Secondary Laws for the Energy Sector
– Official Mexican Standards (Update)

Foreign Trade Policy

– Trade Agreements 
– Tariff Policy
-Customs Intelligence