In accordance with its Sustainable Bank Strategy and through the Mexico Projects Hub platform, Banobras has developed and applied project analysis methodologies and tools to provide investors, developers and the interested public with information on sustainable infrastructure, a topic that has gained a lot of relevance among these participants. These efforts are part of the strategic axis of encouraging national and international partnerships alliances to include environmental, social, gender and governance principles in the planning and operation of the Bank’s actions.
Project Alignment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Banobras offers to investors and those interested in the subject, a digital tool that presents the potential alignment of infrastructure projects to the 17 SDGs, contributing to the actions of the Government of Mexico to achieve the roadmap of the 2030 Agenda.
It is an exercise that allows data to be compared by different criteria, such as the potential impact of projects and sectors concerning national and global development goals, proposing a base and a common language for the analysis of infrastructure projects, in direction to their financing and development. To accessto this digital tool, review the projects, and their potential alignment to the SDGs and their goals Consult.
Potential alignment of infrastructure projects of Banobras’ Mexico Projects Platform with the Sustainable Development Goals. Consult.

Project Sustainability Datasheet

Since 2019, Banobras, with the collaboration of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), started the systematization of a methodology of more than 30 sustainable infrastructure criteria, which has been applied to 140 projects in its portfolio of investment opportunities open to the participation of the private sector.
For the dissemination of this work, Mexico Projects Hub incorporates in the project description a section called “Sustainability Information”, which identifies the sustainability practices of the projects according to the methodological framework defined by the IDB “Attributes and framework for sustainable infrastructure”, which can be consulted Here.
For a better comprehension, a brief explanation of the methodology, as well as a summary of the applied questions can be consulted in the attached Document.
This section allows us to show sustainability practices in four dimensions:
- Economic and financial
- Environmental and climate change
- Social
- Institutional
To review the projects that already have a sustainability sheet, select in the PROJECTS section the option “SEARCH CRITERIA>”, and there, select at the end of the menu “With sustainability sheet”; The projects that have a sheet will be shown below.
Findings and recommendations: Document that sets out some guidelines, product of the learnings found after the analysis of 140 infrastructure projects, in order to publicize sustainability practices to interested parties, to implement and scale sustainable infrastructure solutions. Consult
Projects Comparative
Interactive comparison of projects contrasts the results of the sustainable infrastructure analysis between projects published on Mexico Projects Hub that have a sustainability sheet.
The comparison is only made between projects in the same subsector. To select and consult Here.

National Bank for Public Works and Services, S.N.C. | Sustainable Bank
Banobras promotes greater financing that will allow it to contribute to preserving the environment and reducing inequality gaps.
In order to contribute to Mexico’s climate change commitments and in line with the best practices that the financial sector is adopting, Banobras developed a Sustainability Framework.

Mexico’s Sustainable Taxonomy

Document prepared by the Ministry of Finance, in close collaboration with key institutions within and outside the Mexican financial system. More
Sustainability Information
International initiatives and practices regarding the inclusion of sustainability aspects.
- Taxonomies for Sustainable Investments. Comparative Report on the Taxonomies of Mexico and the EU: Ministry of Finance
- Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs: World Bank
- PPP Gender Toolkit: World Bank
- Transition Pathways for Sustainable Infrastructure: GIH
- Innovative financial technologies for sustainable development and inclusion: ALIDE
- Mexico case study, Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator
- Infraestructura de mercado / Serie de Finanzas Sostenibles: FC4S
- Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator: GIZ
- Attributes and Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure: BID
- G20 Principles For Quality Infrastructure Investment: G20
- Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability: IFC
- Learnings from Sustainable Infrastructure Analysis: Banobras