Best Practices and Guidelines

Best practices and tools for the different PPP project stages, including prioritization, structuring, evaluation, procurement and contract

Project Prioritization and Selection

Practical Guide for the Preparation of Projects of Public-Private Partnerhips (PPP)


Document prepared by BANOBRAS (2020). Guide whose objective is to provide a tool that serves as a reference to carry out the process of preparing projects under the Law of Public Private Partnerships (Law PPP) in Mexico.

Prioritizing Infrastructure Investment. A Framework for Government Decision Making

EU BIM Task Group

Building Information Modelling (“BIM”) is being adopted rapidly by different parts of the value chain as a strategic tool to deliver cost savings, productivity and operations efficiencies, improved infrastructure quality and better environmental performance.

How should governments prioritize infrastructure stimulus investments?


This paper details why governments should look beyond cost-benefit analysis in projects.

A Methodological Framework for Prioritizing Infrastructure Investment

World Bank

This paper discusses the trade-offs policy makers confront when attempting to prioritize infrastructure investments, in particular with regard to economic growth and welfare, and proposes a methodological framework for prioritizing infrastructure projects.

Unsolicited Proposals – An Exception to Public Initiation of Infrastructure PPP. An Analysis of Global Trends and Lessons Learned


This study discusses a series of global trends related to unsolicited proposal processes and lessons learned from the management of such proposals. It recommends simple measures that countries could adopt to better manage unsolicited proposals.

Structuring and Evaluation

Allocating Risks in Public-Private Partnership Contracts

Global Infrastructure Hub

The document shows the allocation of risks between the public and private sectors in PPP transactions. It includes projects within the transport, energy and water and sanitation sectors.

Lessons learned and best practices in Public-Private Partnership Projects


The Multilateral Investment Fund has gathered lessons learned and best practices to identify and solve problems and to improve decision making during the cycle of implementing a PPP.

Value for Money Assessment, review of approaches and key concepts

European PPP Expertise Centre

This report focuses on the use of VfM assessment to guide and support decisions on whether to deliver a public infrastructure project through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) or through other public procurement means.

A Checklist for Public-Private Partnership Projects

World Bank

This checklist seeks to provide public policy makers and managers with a tool that can help them ensure that the key requirements in PPP projects are fulfilled. The checklist includes project and transaction specific questions as well as questions on the overarching environment.

Strategic Infrastructure Steps to Prepare and Accelerate Public-Private Partnerships

World Economic Forum & The Boston Consulting Group

This report outlines government best practices for overcoming the challenges of PPP preparation. It focuses on four best-practice areas: managing a rigorous project-preparation process, conducting a bankable feasibility study, structuring balanced risk allocation and creating a conducive enabling environment.

Procurement and Contracting

PROCUREMENT GUIDANCE, Project Procurement Strategy for Development. Short Form Detailed Guide

World Bank

This detailed guidance provides a procurement set of tools and techniques to achieve best value for money in project finance.

Compendium of good practices for integrity in public procurement


This paper includes the identification of good practices in transparency and anti-corruption in public procurement and the development of procurement performance indicators to support evidence-based decision-making.

Report on Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions

World Bank, PPIAF

The objective of this document is to set out contractual language that has been found to be appropriate in many PPP transactions, and to describe the rationale for the provisions, such as the issues of force majeure, termination rights, dispute resolution, etc.

Sample guidelines for pre-qualification and competitive bidding process

World Bank

The document is intended to provide requirements and suggestions for a competitive bidding process, covering areas such as: pre-qualification, requests for proposals, bidders, insufficient competition, auction mechanism (evaluation and award criteria) and final negotiation of the project agreement.


Analysis and guidelines to fostering private and institutional investors’ financing for infrastructure

G20/OECD Guidance Note on Diversification of Financial Instruments for Infrastructure and SMEs


This guidance note recommend policy steps that could contribute to diversified financing instruments for infrastructure and SMEs with special attention to equity financing, by promoting capital market development, engaging institutional investors, and promoting infrastructure investments as an asset class.

G20/OECD Support Note on Diversification of Financial Instruments for Infrastructure


Support note to the Guidance Note on Diversification of Financial Instruments for Infrastructure and SMEs.

Capital market instruments to mobilize institutional investors to infrastructure and SME financing in Emerging Market Economies. Report for the G20

World Bank, IMF, OECD

This report seeks to identify key capital markets instruments that can help mobilize institutional investors to infrastructure and small and medium enterprises (SME) financing in emerging market economies.

Mapping of Instruments and Incentives for Infrastructure Financing: a Taxonomy


The document is intended to provide a structured framework for understanding the range of instruments and vehicles for infrastructure finance along with risk mitigation measures and incentives that may be used to support such financing.

Criteria for identifying simple, transparent and comparable securitisations

Bank for International Settlements, OICV-IOSCO

The purpose of these criteria is to assist in the financial industry’s development of simple, transparent and comparable securitisation structures. They are not intended to serve as a substitute for investors’ due diligence.

Private Investment in Infrastructure: Where are we now?

World Bank

The report mentions that in order to reverse the generalized slowdown, it is necessary to get capital flowing, especially to developing countries, and specifically to sustainable, quality infrastructure. Substantial change is needed not only in the way we build infrastructure, but also in the way we finance it..

Top 10 impediments to long-term infrastructure financing and investment


This document includes the top 10 impediments to long-term infrastructure financing and investment, and its potential solutions.

Institutional Investors and Green Infrastructure Investments. SELECTED CASE STUDIES


This report examines the channels through which institutional investors can access green infrastructure, assesses the extent to which this is currently happening, and identifies the barriers to scaling up these investment flows.

Institutional Investors and Infrastructure Financing


This paper examines the role of institutional investors in long-term financing and the infrastructure investment. It also outlines that the role of institutional investors in long term financing is constrained by the short-termism increasingly pervasive in capital markets as well as structural and policy barriers such as regulatory disincentives, lack of appropriate financing vehicles, limited investment and risk management expertise, transparency, viability issues and a lack of appropriate data and investment benchmarks for illiquid assets such as infrastructure.

Investment Ecosystem

Analysis regarding topics that influence the conditions within a country for long-term financing

Financial Markets and Institutional Investors

BOOST Open Budget Portal

World Bank

The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action. The portal offers the opportunity to showcase a subset of developing countries and subnational entities that have excelled in the exploration of new frontiers of fiscal transparency by choosing to disseminate their entire public spending datasets in accessible formats (i.e., soft copy), with the expectation that these efforts could motivate other countries into action .

Investor Proposals and the Way Forward


This report presents the outcomes of a prolonged dialogue with private sector investors in infrastructure. It conveys a set of proposals on ways to overcome the infrastructure investment gap and to mobilise higher levels of investment for quality infrastructure. It also conveys important insights into infrastructure in the context of the pandemic.

Regulation of Insurance Company and Pension Fund Investment


Investment regulations are a key aspect of the regulatory framework imposed on insurers and pension funds to limit risk taking. As governments look to institutional investors’ contribution to better support the growth of the real economy, the way in which investment regulations impact institutional investors’ investment behaviour has become an area that has gained increased attention.

Local Currency Bond Markets: A Diagnostic Framework

IMF, World Bank, EBRD, OECD

The purpose of the diagnostic framework is to provide a tool for analyzing the state of development and efficiency of local currency bond markets. The diagnostic framework focuses on analyzing the following market segments: the money market, government and corporate bond markets, and the derivatives market.

Corporate Bonds, Bondholders and Corporate Governance


This report provides a comprehensive global overview of all corporate bond issues since 2000 and experiences of governance engagement by bondholders.

G20/OECD High-Level Principles of long-term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors


The high-level principles are designed to facilitate and promote long-term investment by institutional investors such as pension funds, insurers and sovereign wealth funds that typically have long duration liabilities and consequently can consider investments over a long period provided these are prudent and capable of producing a reasonable risk-adjusted return.

Institutional Framework for Infrastructure



InfraTracker tracks public investment in infrastructure to help governments shape programs and budgets that achieve the best transformative outcomes

Infrastructure Monitor


The Infrastructure Monitor looks in-depth at investment flows between sectors and regions to evaluate whether private investment is helping close the global infrastructure investment gap, and how infrastructure is performing as an asset class.

InfraCompass 2020


InfraCompass 2020 provides a more comprehensive view of the indicators that enable infrastructure investment. Through it, our intention is to support governments around the world to identify opportunities to reduce the barriers to investment, improve performance, including through best practice guidance, and encourage greater investment in quality infrastructure.

Making Public Investment More Efficient


Improvements in public investment management could significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of public investment. The IMF’s Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) considers the key institutions which shape the planning, allocation, and implementation of public investments.

Public Private Partnership Units: Lessons for their design and use in infrastructure

World Bank, PPIAF

This paper seeks to answer the question of whether specialist PPP units have contributed to successful PPP.

Foreign Investment and International Trade

State-to-State dispute settlement and the interpretation of investment treaties


The analysis seeks to identify policy reasons why governments might wish to provide for or exclude the power to obtain pure interpretations of investment treaties.

Using Foreign Factors to Enhance Domestic Export Performance. A FOCUS ON SOUTHEAST ASIA


This paper discusses how countries can use foreign value added to enhance their domestic export performance. It shows that foreign sourcing is a complement to, rather than substitute for, the creation of domestic value added.

Case Studies

OECD Employment Outlook 2024 Country Note: Mexico


This country note provides an overview of the labor market situation in Mexico based on OECD Employment Outlook 2024 data. It also examines the impact of the transition to carbon neutrality in 2050 on the cost of household-specific shopping baskets.

OECD Economic Surveys Mexico 2024


Mexico has large potential to attract investment from companies looking to relocate their operations to North America. This is also a significant opportunity to spread the benefits of trade throughout the country and to create more and better value chain linkages. Fully harnessing these opportunities will require addressing long-standing challenges related to transport and digital connectivity, regulations or the rule of law, and shifting to renewables.

Global Economic Prospects 2024

The World Bank Group

Despite the improving near-term outlook, the global outlook remains weak by historical standards. In 2024-25, growth will be below the 2010s average in almost 60% of economies, comprising more than 80% of the world’s population.

OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2024 Issue 1


This document includes an assessment of the global economic situation and a chapter summarizing developments and providing forecasts for each country. Coverage is provided for all OECD members as well as selected partner economies.

Financing Infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific: Capturing Impacts and New Sources


This book presents several country studies and explains how infrastructure investment can increase output, taxes, trade, and firm productivity.

Sustainability - Linked Bonds: Building a High Quality Market

Climate Bonds Initiative

Analysis of the labelled green bond climate-aligned and universe, highlighting investment opportunities to finance climate-aligned assets within different climate themes.

Estudio de Energías Limpias en México 2018-2032


Updated research on the required investments in Mexico to meet its clean energy objectives (document in Spanish).

Could Mexico become the new ‘China’? Policy drivers of competitiveness and productivity


The aim of this paper is to examine the evolution of total factor productivity in Mexico’s manufacturing sector, as compared to China’s.

Global and Regional Value Chains in Latin America in Times of Pandemic


Global value chains (GVCs) offer countries opportunities to diversify trade and boost productivity and growth by specializing in one stage of the production process.

Thirtieth Report on G20 Investment Measures


When the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, G20 members pledged to refrain from introducing new barriers to investment and trade. new barriers to investment and trade. They supplemented this commitment with a request that the WTO, the OECD and UNCTAD and UNCTAD to monitor and publicly report on their new trade and investment policy measures.

Pre-Investment in Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case studies from Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay


The paper outlines that there is room for feasible policy improvements in the pre-investment phase in Latin America and the Caribbean that would enhance infrastructure delivery, boost growth, and promote development in the region.

Public - Private Partnership in Latin America


The marked development of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model in recent years in different Latin American countries has been accompanied by the need to generate knowledge on the subject so that national and subnational governments interested in implementing this model can benefit from the previous experience of other countries.

A Winning Framework for Public-Private Partnerships: Lessons from 60-Plus IFC Projects


This report addresses the critical question: how can the public and private sectors build successful partnerships?

Best Practices in Public-Private Partnerships Financing in Latin America: the role of subsidy mechanisms

World Bank Institute, Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Government of Spain

The report draw on experiences from Latin America in the design and use of subsidy schemes to promote PPP.

Best Practices in Public-Private Partnerships Financing in Latin America: the role of innovative approaches

World Bank Institute, Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Government of Spain

The report  draws on recent experiences from Latin America and elsewhere in innovative approaches to financing PPP.

Best Practices in Public-Private Partnerships Financing in Latin America: the role of guarantees

World Bank Institute, Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Government of Spain

The report draw on recent experiences from Latin America and elsewhere in  the use of guarantees to support PPP.


International initiatives and practices regarding the inclusion of sustainability aspects.

Initiaves and methodologies

Transition Pathways for Sustainable Infrastructure


The GI Hub has analysed more than 250 infrastructure plans across 25 G20 economies to determine how countries are investing in infrastructure to address climate change and achieve the SDGs. By mapping these economies’ investments to 15 core transition pathways, 12 infrastructure sectors, and 140 infrastructure asset classes, we uncovered the trends that show what infrastructure investments could look like over the next few decades.



Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S). Review of the advances and main developments of the green and sustainable finance market on: i) Disclosure and reports, ii) Data quality, iii) ESG Service Providers, iv) Taxonomies, v) Market tools; as well as examples of capital mobilization and national and international regulatory proposals in the promotion of sustainable finance.

Attributes and Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure


This document is intended to foster a common understanding of the key attributes and set out a framework for Sustainable Infrastructure, building on previously conducted work. The paper aims to provide the basis for a broad discussion among different stakeholders, including MDBs, other international institutions, standard setters, public and private sector and relevant academic institutions, in order to reach a shared understanding and agreement.

G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII)


This document sets out a set of voluntary, non-binding principles that reflect a common strategic direction and aspiration for quality infrastructure investment.

Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability


IFC’s Sustainability Framework articulates the Corporation’s strategic commitment to sustainable development, and is an integral part of IFC’s approach to risk management. The Sustainability Framework comprises IFC’s Policy and Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, and IFC’s Access to Information Policy.

Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator


The Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator provides easy access to 50+ tools including rating systems, high-level principles, and guidelines, helping stakeholders to find the tool that best fits their needs.