Last review: March, 2025
Banobras offers interested parties information on the sector in Mexico with data from various sources in order to provide knowledge on the subject and useful elements for decision-making at the sectoral level. The content presented does not reflect the position of Banobras.
President Claudia Sheinbaum Announces the Reduction of Federal Procedures from 342 to 151; to Be Published in the DOF (03/15/25). Consult
Current status
The Telecommunications and Broadcasting (TyR) sector is undergoing a global transformation toward a cross-cutting dimension for the development and provision of digital services and content in society. At the same time, this sector serves as a generator of digital inclusion and the closure of the social gap, under the broad concept of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Currently, most daily activities involve the use of telecommunications products or services: radio, television, telephone, or the internet.
The TyR sector encompasses multiple activities, including, first and foremost, the operation of public telecommunications networks, as well as the provision of public telecommunications and broadcasting services (SPTyR). These public telecommunications networks, in turn, rely on various inputs, including:[1]
- Radio spectrum
- Passive infrastructure and cabling
- Passive tower infrastructure
- Active infrastructure equipment and services for TyR networks and user terminals
According to the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law, it refers to all emission, transmission, or reception of signs, signals, data, writings, images, voice, sounds, or information of any kind that is carried out through wires, radio electricity, optical media, physical means, or other electromagnetic systems, excluding broadcasting.

Public Shared Telecommunications Network
The shared telecommunications network refers to when telecommunications marketing companies and network operators share their infrastructure, aiming to promote greater competition in the telecommunications sector. It offers wholesale services to facilitate the development of regional and national concessionaires and marketers, achieving greater coverage and quality, at competitive prices for telecommunications services to the general population.[2]
Fixed telecommunications services[3]
These include the distribution of fixed services to homes; total access numbers/lines; market share and concentration; and the number of access lines per 100 households nationwide.
- Television: In 2000, there were 14 service accesses per 100 households. By December 2022, this number had increased to 65.
- Fixed internet: 42% of service accesses were through fiber optic. 79.9% of SMEs subscribe to fixed internet service.
- Fixed telephony: The number of fixed telephony lines increased from 25.0 million in 2021 to 26.5 million in 2022. This represented an annual growth rate of 6.1%, which is an increase of a little more than 1.5 million lines in one year.
Mobile telecommunications services[4]
These include the distribution of radio spectrum by frequency band and by operator; the use of mobile services by the population; the total number of lines; market share and concentration; the number of lines per 100 inhabitants nationwide and by federal entity; and the traffic of mobile phone services and internet access.
- By December 2022, there were over 135.9 million mobile phone service lines nationwide, representing a 7.5% increase compared to December 2021.
- In the mobile internet access service, there were 93 lines per 100 inhabitants nationwide, reflecting a growth of 220.7% since 2013.
- Mobile internet access lines grew by 9.5% from 2021 to 2022, increasing from 109.5 million lines in 2021 to 119.9 million lines in 2022.
Economic indicators in Mexico[5]
- In 2022, the revenues of telecommunications sector companies totaled 562.1 billion pesos.
- In the second quarter of 2023, the GDP of the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors experienced an annual growth of 9.9%.
- 86% of jobs were in the telecommunications sector, while 14% were in broadcasting.
- In 2022, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors was $529.9 million, representing 1.5% of national FDI.
In Latin America, according to data from GlobalData, the mobile communications market generated revenues of $56.8 billion in 2021. In Mexico, mobile phone service lines showed a compound annual growth rate of 2.72% between 2013 and 2022. By the fourth quarter of 2022, telecommunications operators reported revenues of over $26.2 billion.[6]
For more information about Mexico in the international context, please consult the following link.
[1] Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Strategy IFT 2020-2025
[2]PROFECO, “What you should know about telecommunication services”
[3] Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Statistical Yearbook 2023
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, Forecast of Telecommunication Services 2023-2024
PROMTEL makes available to the public the spatial data viewer where you can see the coverage maps of the Shared Network showing the project’s coverage progress.
Institutional Arrangement
In terms of infrastructure, Mexico has a defined strategy that offers investors medium and long-term visibility regarding the development of projects, through a series of plans and programs of national and sectorial scope. To access the information, please consult the following documents:
Institutional Program 2020-2024 of Telecommunications of Mexico
National Radio Spectrum Program 2022-2024
Organizational Structure
Description of the hierarchy and roles of the different entities and actors involved in the sector, including how the different institutions and agencies coordinate and collaborate.
The Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency is a Federal Government entity responsible for the sector, ensuring compliance with telecommunications and technological development regulations. Its mission is to build a model of technological autonomy by unifying capabilities, generating public savings, and creating public value.
Its work is guided by the following principles:
- What exists in person can exist digitally.
- Minimize the regulatory burden on individuals and businesses.
- Savings, zero corruption, and interconnected public systems.
- A single assistance number: all issues, every day, at any time.
- Data intelligence to strengthen public sector capabilities.
- Technological autonomy and information security.
- The Internet is a right.
The National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (CONAMER) is a decentralized administrative body under the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency, with technical and operational autonomy. Its objective is to promote the improvement of regulations and the simplification of procedures and services, as well as transparency in their development and implementation. CONAMER ensures that regulations generate benefits that outweigh their costs, maximizing societal benefits.
Decentralized public entity in charge of using space science and technology to meet the needs of the Mexican population and generate high value-added jobs, promoting innovation and development of the space sector; contributing to the competitiveness and positioning of Mexico in the international community, in the peaceful, efficient and responsible use of space.
Decentralized public entity in charge of contributing to improve the coverage and quality of Internet and telephony services, supervising the installation of the Shared Network and promoting investments for telecommunications infrastructure deployment projects.
A Federal Government Public Research Center contributing to Mexico’s Digital Transformation through research, innovation, academic training, and the development of ICT products and services. Its impact spans both the public and private sectors, paving the way toward a modern Mexico characterized by digital inclusion.
The purpose of CFE Telecoms and Internet for All is to provide telecommunications services, on a not-for-profit basis, to guarantee the right of access to information and communication technologies, including broadband and internet. As well as the ability to provide technological goods and services including the development of computer and telecommunications systems, as well as any other goods related to the development and support of such systems.
Coordination of the National Digital Strategy – Internet For All
The priority program “Internet for All” is part of the “Economy” axis of the National Development Plan (PND) 2019-2024 and aims to enable the integration of the population to the Internet and mobile technology in the national territory, extending financial inclusion and ensuring the possibility of bringing social welfare programs directly to the beneficiaries. This project considers 4 major deployments with which it seeks to achieve the goal of coverage in Mexico.
It is an autonomous entity whose purpose is the efficient development of telecommunications and broadcasting, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws within the scope of its responsibility. It is responsible for regulating, promoting and supervising the use, development and exploitation of the radio electric spectrum, networks and the provision of telecommunications and broadcasting services (T&R) in Mexico, as well as access to infrastructure and other essential inputs, contributing to guarantee the right to information and universal access to such services. It is also the authority in matters of economic competition in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors.
Legal system
The compilation of international treaties, laws, regulations, decrees, agreements and federal, state and municipal provisions shown here are for informational purposes and for ease of reference:

Public Shared Telecommunications Network
Investment Cycle
The following section provides an overview of the project development process from initial planning to final execution.

Based on the objectives and strategies defined in the National Development Plan, the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency develops short-, medium-, and long-term sectoral programs for the development of communications-related infrastructure.
The Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency identifies the needs of the sector to carry out communications infrastructure projects to be developed.
The Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency prepares, on its own or with the support of external consultants, the studies and analyses necessary for the development of telecommunications projects.
The Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency sends to the SHCP’s Investment Unit the request for registration in the portfolio of highway projects that require federal public resources from the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF).
Projects requiring federal budgetary resources must be analyzed by the Comisión Intersecretarial de Gasto Público, Financiamiento y Desincorporación (CIGFD), which determines the relationship for their inclusion in the PEF. The CIGFD prioritizes such projects based on i) socioeconomic profitability; ii) reduction of extreme poverty; iii) regional development; and iv) concurrence with other investment programs and projects.
Projects requiring federal funds are authorized by the Chamber of Deputies.
The Investment Unit (UI) will issue an economic feasibility report for those projects that do not require public resources.
Under the responsibility of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency through the National Coordination of Digital Infrastructure.
Under the responsibility of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency
There are several sources of financing depending on the particular characteristics and financial structuring of each project, such as: PEF, National Bank of Public Works and Services (BANOBRAS), National Bank of Foreign Trade (BANCOMEXT), commercial banks, developers and institutional and private investors.
Execution and Operation
The project developers are responsible for its proper execution and operation under the supervision of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency.
Information on new projects (pre-investment, bidding and execution) and in operation within the Mexico Projects Hub platform, which at some stage of the project were considered investment opportunities and do not necessarily have Banobras / Fonadin participation.
New Projects
Project | Sector | Subsector | Stage | Sustainability | With Ally Networks |
0947 Segments of the radio spectrum for the provision of wireless access services | Telecommunications | Telecommunications Network | Preinvestment | No | No |
0940 Land Complementary Service of the Mobile Satellite Service | Telecommunications | Telecommunications Network | Bidding | No | No |
Projects in Operation
Project | Sector | Subsector | Stage | Sustainability | With Ally Networks |
0369 Public Shared Telecommunications Network | Telecommunications | Telecommunications Network | Operation | Yes | Yes |
Banobras / Fonadin
Project Finance: In order to support the financing of infrastructure projects and public services, the Project Finance Unit structures financing supported by the granting of loans and guarantees to those projects developed as Public-Private Partnerships and which have their own source of payment from the exploitation of the concession or public contract or from the collection of the service in question. The Public-Private Partnership schemes may be Federal and/or Local, in their different modalities, such as: Concessions, Service Provision Projects (PPS) or Financed Public Works Contracts, among others.- The Platform has more than 600 investment opportunities in all its stages, with visits from more than 180 countries and more than 40,000 users per month.

Financing for States and Municipalities and Decentralized Public Organizations: The products and services we offer are designed to meet the infrastructure needs of states, municipalities and their decentralized public organizations, in order to improve the quality of life of the population and increase competitiveness.
Infrastructure is a pillar of development, which is why Banobras has innovative products and services focused on contributing to regional development through the promotion of financial mechanisms to:
Boost investment in infrastructure and public services.
Promote the financial and institutional strengthening of states, municipalities and decentralized public agencies.
To this end, Banobras has the following financing schemes:
Project Development: Banobras offers services aimed at assisting public sector agencies and entities in the development of infrastructure projects.
Financial structuring of the project:
- Elaborate and/or update studies required by the Public-Private Partnerships Law.
- Support in the review of the bidding conditions and contract model.
- Assist in obtaining financing for the project.
- Assist in the registration process of the project in the portfolio of the Investment Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).
- Assist in dealing with any observations made by the SHCP Investment Unit.
- Support in the financial closing of the project.
The purpose of the Fondo Nacional de Infraestructura (Fonadin) is to serve as the Federal Public Administration’s coordination vehicle for infrastructure investment. It has one of the largest road concession networks in the world and manages the granting of financial support for infrastructure development, mainly in the areas of communications, transportation, water, environment, energy, tourism, urban and strategic and priority areas, supporting the planning, promotion, construction, conservation, operation and transfer of infrastructure projects with social impact and economic or financial profitability.

It has a wide range of products designed to strengthen the financial structure of the infrastructure projects that the country requires, from the conception to the completion of the projects, providing the following financial instruments that make the projects more attractive for financing with private resources:
Recoverable Support
- Simple Credits
- Subordinated Credits
- Guarantees
- Investments in Venture Capital Funds
- Infrastructure Trust Investments
- Financing of Studies and Advisory Services
Non Recoverable Support
- Contributions for Studies and Consultancy
- Contributions for Projects
- Project Grants
Banobras makes available to interested parties, analysis sheets for the detection of sustainability practices in infrastructure projects, in accordance with the methodological framework “Attributes and Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure” of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Its objective is to highlight sustainable practices, encourage their adoption in future projects and provide relevant information for investors in their economic, environmental, social and institutional dimensions.
To review the projects that already have a sustainability record, select the “SEARCH CRITERIA>” option in the PROJECTS section, and then select “With sustainability record” at the end of the criteria; the projects that have a record will be displayed below.
In addition, Banobras offers an analysis tool that presents the potential relationship of the different infrastructure projects of the Mexico Projects platform with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and their targets. This comparative analysis facilitates the use of data according to different criteria, such as the potential impact of projects and sectors against national and global development goals.
The comparison is only made between projects in the same subsector. To select and consult here.
The alignment of a project with the SDGs provides information on the degree of focus on sustainability; it provides a comparison between projects in the same sector and sub-sector and facilitates investment decisions, showing the highest and lowest alignment of projects to the SDGs. Comparative analysis facilitates the use of data according to different criteria, such as the potential impact of projects and sectors against national and global development goals.
In the case of the sector, 1 project is identified in the platform that have sustainability practices detection sheets, which allows to know, among other things, the projects with more and better alignments to the SDGs. For more information, access the Sustainable Development Goals application:

Greater alignment of the sector:
- SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
Lower alignment of the sector:
- SDG 14: Underwater Life
- SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities
- SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve goals
Ally Networks
Banobras, through its Ally Networks application, provides information on companies participating in competitive public procurement processes for infrastructure projects in Mexico, based on official sources such as CompraNet. It includes details on investment amounts, number of participations in bids, projects awarded, consortiums, and business associations, which allows the user to identify potential actors for the establishment of investments in the country.
In the application, you can consult on the sector:
- 1 project
- 11 companies
- 2 consortiums
Reference documents:
This section offers documents, reports and reports with technical, statistical and regulatory information on the sector:
Official statements:
- DOF: Decree amending, adding, and repealing various provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States regarding organizational simplification.
- DOF: Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law.
- DOF: Decree amending, adding, and repealing various provisions of the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration.
- DOF: AGREEMENT by which the Plenary of the Federal Telecommunications Institute modifies various provisions of the Guidelines for the submission, registration, and consultation of information for the formation of the 2024 National Infrastructure Information System.
Additional information:
- IFT: Telecommunications Services Forecast 2023-2024.
- PROMTEL: 2023-2024 Progress and Results Report of PROMTEL’s Institutional Program.
- PROFECO: What I Need to Know About Telecommunications Services.
- IFT: Practical Guide for the Deployment of Telecommunications Infrastructure 2024.
- SICT: Progress and Results (January 2023 – June 2024) of the Communications and Transport Sector Program.
- SICT: Sixth Activity Report 2023-2024.