In accordance with the established schedule for the bidding for the construction sections of the Maya Train, the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur) reports that 15 technical and economic proposals were received to carry out the construction of Section 2 of the Maya Train corresponding 235 km, from Escárcega to Calkiní in Campeche.

Source: CompraNet

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Fonatur receives 14 proposals for the construction of Section 1 of the Maya Train

Fonatur reported that, in accordance with the schedule established for the tender for the construction of sections of the Maya Train, fourteen technical and economic proposals were received at the central offices.

Source: CompraNet
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Adjustment of dates for events of the Bid of the Executive Project of Section 1 Mayan Train

The National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur) updated the presentation date and opening of tender proposals for the preparation of the executive project, supply of materials, and construction of the Mayan Train platform and track corresponding to section 1, Palenque – Escárcega.

Source: CompraNet
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Tender program for the Maya Train

The National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur) reports on tenders programming for the Maya Train by publishing two call projects per week during the period from February to April of this year.

The presidential instruction to initiate the tender processes corresponding to Phase 1 of the Mayan Train is fulfilled immediately.
It is guaranteed that 5 simultaneous bidding processes will be carried out with the highest efficiency, effectiveness, speed, transparency and compliance with the applicable regulations.


Source: Fonatur

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Special Energy Transition Program 2019-2024

  • It is scheduled for March 2020.
  • 35 percent of the country’s electricity to be obtained through clean sources.

Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle García, led the meeting for the preparation and subsequent publication of the Special Energy Transition Program 2019-2024, where actions will be presented to achieve the goal established by the Energy Transition Law that 35 percent of The country’s electricity will be obtained through clean sources.

Source: SENER

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Announcement APP-006G1C003-E56-2019

Tender is announced for the maintenance, rehabilitation and operation of International Roads and Bridges included in the “Northeast Package”, located in the states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.

Source: Official Journal of the Federation

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More information: Mexico Projects Hub

Progress of Actions to Support the Economy

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications informed the progress of the actions to support the economy:

  • 873 tenders for MXP 8.8 billion, associated to the 2020 fiscal budget were announced.
  • The first of five PPP road infrastructure projects will be formalized.

Source: SHCP and SCT

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Pemex successfully completes a debt repurchase for USD 5 billion

The Ministry of Finance made an announcement regarding an offer to repurchase bonds and a proposal to issue new bonds by Petróleos Mexicanos (“Pemex”). The transaction was settled on Monday, September 23rd, 2019.

Source: SHCP

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The Ministry of Finance submitted for approval of Congress  the 2020 budget, formed by the General Criteria of Economic Policy, the Federation’s Revenue Law Initiative, the Initiative that reforms various tax provisions and the Federal Expenditure Budget Project.


Source: Ministry of Finance

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CFE achieves agreement on renegotiation of gas pipeline contracts

The agreement will allow CFE to trade  daily through its subsidiaries CFEnergía and CFE Internacional, around 8.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, out of which 63% will be supplied to CFE power plants and 37% to the national industry.


Press release