Progress of Actions to Support the Economy

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications informed the progress of the actions to support the economy:

  • 873 tenders for MXP 8.8 billion, associated to the 2020 fiscal budget were announced.
  • The first of five PPP road infrastructure projects will be formalized.

Source: SHCP and SCT

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Pemex successfully completes a debt repurchase for USD 5 billion

The Ministry of Finance made an announcement regarding an offer to repurchase bonds and a proposal to issue new bonds by Petróleos Mexicanos (“Pemex”). The transaction was settled on Monday, September 23rd, 2019.

Source: SHCP

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The Ministry of Finance submitted for approval of Congress  the 2020 budget, formed by the General Criteria of Economic Policy, the Federation’s Revenue Law Initiative, the Initiative that reforms various tax provisions and the Federal Expenditure Budget Project.


Source: Ministry of Finance

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CFE achieves agreement on renegotiation of gas pipeline contracts

The agreement will allow CFE to trade  daily through its subsidiaries CFEnergía and CFE Internacional, around 8.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, out of which 63% will be supplied to CFE power plants and 37% to the national industry.


Press release

The first tenders related to the Mayan Train will be announced In December

Four sections will be tendered this year with an individual value of approximately USD 1.1 billion.

Rogelio Jiménez Pons, CEO of FONATUR, referred to the financial structure of the Mayan Train, (10% public, 90% private) and informed that the project has a comprehensive and inclusive component whose benefits will impact the social, environmental, cultural and economic ecosystems of the region.

Reports on the Economic Situation, Public Finance and Public Debt in the Second Quarter of 2019

In the first half of 2019, the main balances of public finances presented better results than scheduled. The primary balance recorded a surplus of MXP 228.88 billion, which compares favorably with the programmed surplus of MXP 135.434 billion. Likewise, the public balance presented a deficit of MXP 119.922 billion, which is less than the expected deficit for the period of 258.873 billion.

Source: Ministry of Finance

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Head of the Ministry of Communications announced the construction of highway infrastructure works

The Secretary of Communications, Javier Jiménez Espriú, announced that, to encourage infrastructure and boost the national economy, this year 20 billion pesos of private resources will be invested in road works, which will represent the granting of concessions to five companies.

Source: Ministry of Communications

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Through Actions to Support the Economy, total resources for MXP 485 billion will be channelled to boost the development of infrastructure and to finance private investment and consumption. Likewise, federal government tenders of fiscal year 2020 will be anticipated that, with additional actions, will strengthen the response capacity of the national productive apparatus.

Source: Ministry of Finance

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The Mexican Ministry of Finance announces the successful reopening of toll roads securitization

Mexico-Puebla highway granted to the National Infrastructure Fund

The Ministry of Finance, through the National Infrastructure Fund (FONADIN for its acronym in Spanish),   successfully launched the transaction in the local market, raising 6.2 billion pesos in two series. A 3.9 billion pesos tranche was placed in Investment Units (UDIS for its acronym in Spanish) with a yield of 4.67%, while a second tranche for 2.3 billion pesos was issued in pesos with a yield of 9.11%.

Source: Ministry of Finance

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Banobras successfully issued a 10 billion peso bond in the local market

The placement was done under favorable conditions, and consisted of 3, 10 and 15 year tranches, some of them sustainable bonds, reaffirming the confidence of investors in the Institution while promoting the development of the local debt market

  • Funds raised through sustainable bonds will be used to finance and refinance green projects with high social impact.
  • The transaction was well received by the investors; a total demand of more than 42 billion pesos was recorded, representing 4.2 times the amount issued.
  • With this transaction, Banobras became the first issuer to list sustainable bonds in the Institutional Stock Exchange (BIVA for its acronym in Spanish), and the first issuer of a 15-year thematic bond.

Source: GOB.MX

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