The National Infrastructure Program 2014-2018 sets infrastructure guidelines, strategies and lines of action for the current Federal Administration. According to the Planning Law, the new Administration that initiates on December 1 2018, must prepare the National Development Plan (NDP) to be submitted to the lower house of Congress. Sectoral and special programs will derive from the NDP, including the new National Infrastructure Program.
Banobras prepared a Comprehensive Vision of National Infrastructure in order to present to investors a diagnostic and prospective of the different sectors. This long term vision includes guiding axes, inter sectoral and sectoral aspirations, regional challenges, objectives, strategies and goals, as well as a portfolio of continuity projects in their different stages. The Comprehensive Vision was prepared based on available information, sectoral programs and feedback received from federal agencies and entities.
This effort would provide investors a general outlook of infrastructure in Mexico and contribute to strengthen the long term strategic planning. This work might represent an important input for the preparation of the next National Infrastructure Program.
A 1,907 project inventory was consolidated based on different sources: i) Mexico Projects Hub, ii) National Infrastructure Program 2014-2018 and sectoral programs, iii) Pipeline of Programs and Projects of the Investments Unit of the Ministry of Finance, iv) other studies (i.e. Highways Strategic Program, Special Economic Zones, etc.), and v) projects provided by the agencies and entities. These projects were filtered by short and medium term and by largest amount of investment (80% of each sector). As a consequence, a pipeline of 307 Continuity Projects is proposed.
In addition, a simplified prioritization methodology was applied to these continuity projects, considering its social benefit, regional impact and its complementarity and dependence on other projects, thus obtaining a proposal of 83 Main Continuity Projects (in execution and preparation-tender phases).
If you want to download the complete list of the 307 continuity projects, please go to the following links:
– In preparation or tender (Xls, 114k)